For Immediate Release
The Death of Analog Phone Systems
FCC Sets Rules for Copper Phase-Out

The Death of Analog Phone Systems
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has set new ground rules for carriers seeking to replace their old copper telephone networks. The old analog system is expensive for carriers to maintain as parts are no longer being manufactured. Moreover, it provides only low-speed data services at an increasing cost structure, whereas the rest of the market is going the other direction. By 2020, carriers like Verizon, AT&T and CenturyLink will no longer be required to maintain these landline infrastructures.
It is STRONGLY recommended for businesses to highly consider transitioning their current telephone system to a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system. Regardless of your business size, VoIP is surprisingly affordable and flexible technology that offers the same, sophisticated communication tools your enterprise-size competitors already have.
For Immediate Release
The Death of Analog Phone Systems
FCC Sets Rules for Copper Phase-Out

The Death of Analog Phone Systems
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has set new ground rules for carriers seeking to replace their old copper telephone networks. The old analog system is expensive for carriers to maintain as parts are no longer being manufactured. Moreover, it provides only low-speed data services at an increasing cost structure, whereas the rest of the market is going the other direction. By 2020, carriers like Verizon, AT&T and CenturyLink will no longer be required to maintain these landline infrastructures.
It is STRONGLY recommended for businesses to highly consider transitioning their current telephone system to a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system. Regardless of your business size, VoIP is surprisingly affordable and flexible technology that offers the same, sophisticated communication tools your enterprise-size competitors already have.